Sala Dogana. New ideas in movement
The space for young people at the Palazzo Ducale was created to deal with and work in a stable manner on the emerging cultural production, conceived as a place for experimentation, innovation and the development of new trends and creativity of the young, to promote positive forms of participation through realization of projects for the expression of creativity, the development of skills and talents of young people, encouraging at the same time, the exchange of experiences and networking.
DOGANA is a centre, an energetic and dynamic reality open to any aesthetic language that the Municipality of Genoa with the Palazzo Ducale Foundation for Culture and, following a recent agreement, the Ligustica Academy of Fine Arts of Genoa and the University of Genoa provide young people and artistic forces of the city, for new cultural productions, for experimentation and presentation of new ideas. It is a multidisciplinary space, and a tool for social cohesion that allows a 'daily work', in which collide different ways of thinking and interpreting the art and artistic forces also profoundly different.
It is available to those who want to develop their own ideas, an area of real and active work, a showcase for new artistic realities, a vehicle to get its voice to many and to be known, a real construction site that lives, and it develops, where every single individual grows and evolves through confrontation.
If you want to implement a service for the area, to make the large amount of artists and creators which transit or reside, to realize workshops open to the public, meetings, backstage conversations, transversal projects and encounter between the different cultures of entertainment, creations that tend to the mixture and contamination of more expressive languages.
How Sala Dogana works
Sala Dogana in Palazzo Ducale, in the heart of the city, is a place of creativity and young art: a center to support the emerging cultural production, experimentation, innovation, the development of new trends and the contamination of languages.
How to present proposals
Submit your project to saladogana@comune.genova.it enclosing the application form, accompanied by: concept, exhibition design and necessary equipment, lead times, artistic curriculum, images and / or videos related to the proposed project.
The Commission of experts periodically evaluate the proposals according to criteria of artistic value, originality and general interest; selections for identifying the projects that constitute the program of Sala Dogana are two during the year.
What is offered
The selected projects have the space for free, equipment provided and promotion by: promotional postcard, fb Sala Dogana Genova space on www.genovacreativa.it and on www.palazzoducale.genova.it, sites, the newsletters and the sending of press releases to local newspapers, websites dedicated to events and culture, industry’s print and electronic magazines.
Who can present proposals
Groups, associations and individuals. Proposals must engage in a direct and active way youth under 35. The presence of artists over will be evaluated considering the specific nature of the project.
Are responsibility of the proposer
The set up and dismantling, space enclosure, any dedicated promotional materials, travel and subsistence costs, works transport and safe insurance, equipment not included among those available.
Municipality of Genoa, Palazzo Ducale Foundation for Culture, the Ligustica Academy of Fine Arts of Genoa and the University of Genoa reserve the right to use images and photographs related to the event for promotional purposes and documentation.
Space and equipment
Sala Dogana covers an area of 175 square meters approximately, consisting of a large central room and other adjacent areas. For details of available spaces and equipment, see the floor plan and material list supplied in attachments.
Who are we
“Sala Dogana. New ideas in movement” is a project of the Municipality of Genoa and Youth Policies, Palazzo Ducale Foundation for Culture, the Ligustica Academy of Fine Arts of Genoa and the University of Genoa.
Municipality of Genoa
Via di Francia 1 - 20° piano settore 7
16149 Genova
Facebook Sala Dogana Genova
Where are we
Sala Dogana – Palazzo Ducale
Piazza Matteotti 13 - Genova
Coordination Sala Dogana
Municipality of Genoa
Office of Culture and City
Cristina Lavanna
Tel. +39 010 5573977